How do you manually establish communication between a Symantec Endpoint Protection client and the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager?
Clients and the SEPM (Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager) are not communicating. There is no green dot embedded in the gold shield on the task bar of the client and the client does not show in the console, or if it does appear, it does not have a green dot . The green dot indicates that communication is successful.
To export the Sylink.xml file:
1. In the console, click Clients
2. Under View Clients, select the group in which you want the client to appear
3. Right-click the group, and then click Export Communication Settings
4. In the Export Communication Settings for group name dialog box, click Browse
5. In the Select Export File dialog box, locate the folder to where you want to export the .xml file, and then click OK
6. In the Export Group Registration Setting for group name dialog box, select one of the following options:
■ To apply the policies from the group from which the computer is a member, click Computer Mode
■ To apply the policies from the group from which the user is a member, click User Mode
7. Click Export
To use the SylinkDrop tool to apply the Sylink.xml file:
1. On Disk 2 of the installation CDs, locate the \Tools\NoSupport\SylinkDrop folder, and open SylinkDrop.exe
2. Take the exported sylink and the SylinkDrop.exe to the client
3. Execute SylinkDrop.exe
4. In the Sylink Drop dialog box, click Browse, and locate the .xml file that you exported
5. Click Update Sylink
6. If you see a confirmation dialog box, click OK
7. In the Sylink Drop dialog box, click Exit
Note: SylinkDrop.exe does not provide a progress indicator. Upon completion, it displays a window with the text "Sylink file has been successfully replaced."
If you want to convert a managed client to an unmanaged client, please see "How to convert Symantec Endpoint Protection clients from managed to unmanaged without uninstalling and reinstalling" at