Friday, March 25, 2011

Reduce SEM5 DB size (Symantec EndPoint Protection)

Use Dbunload.exe (under ASA folder in the SEP installation folder). If this tool does not reduce the size significantly you may try freeing up space in database by deleting rows in BINARY_FILE and ALERTS tables.

You can mount the sem5 database using DBSERV9.EXE located in \ASA\WIN32 directory. At the same time, create a System DSN ODBCusing the Adaptive Server Anywhere Drivers. The only fields you need to enter are: user name DBA, password, server name (copy from the default SEP System DSN entry) and IP address, in my case: "IP=".

Now run DBISQLC.EXE and run the following queries, one at a time:

delete from BINARY_FILE

delete from ALERTS

Now you can run dbunload.exe to reduce the database size.

Backup your SEM5 DB before starting this procedure.
Run this at your own risk.